Top 500 Best party and wedding song list

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"Trust me, this is a power-packed list of killer songs!"

I’m Ted Bilodeau, the owner and manager of Partyhound Media

Before launching (this website), I performed as a wedding and event DJ for over 40 years. I DJ’d thousands of weddings and parties. That’s not an exaggeration. I was also on the air and in management at several different radio stations for 35 years. I hired and trained over 75 people to become great wedding and event DJs working for me in three different entertainment agencies that I owned over the years.

Back in 1980, I and my staff of DJs began to keep careful track of all the songs that usually worked great at getting people on the dance floor at all the weddings and parties we performed for. We also kept track of all the songs that didn’t seem to work so well anymore. The list has constantly been updated over the years. Many songs that just didn’t do so well after a while were dropped. Many songs, new and old, that worked very well at getting people dancing were added to the list over the years.

Subscribe and download today and find out more about what makes this the best party and wedding song list out there!

Ted Bilodeau

Owner and manager of Partyhound Media